Filter news articlesAllMediaMediaWinburndale Dam October 2021 time lapseWATCH the latest time lapse video of the Winburndale Dam upgrade.Read more MediaWinburndale water will take some of the pressure off declining ChifleyTHE city’s water supply will soon be boosted by around three megalitres a day – enough to satisfy just under one-third of the total daily household use – thanks to a new connection at the Bathurst Water Filtration Plant.Read more MediaWork to strengthen Winburndale Dam wall continuesRead more MediaWinburndale Dam: $10m project to upgrade wall safetyRead more MediaBathurst cyclist Dean Windsor begins a new chapterRead more MediaFacility will flush manganese from city’s systemRead more MediaWork on a water filtration plant at Bathurst expected to be complete by the end of the yearRead more MediaBathurst’s Manganese Removal Project is on scheduleRead more MediaBathurst firm wins $3.8 million tender to clean up city’s brown waterRead more MediaBathurst’s bike park is ploughing aheadRead more